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Wife and mom to boy/girl twins! Photography is my passion!

Saturday, February 9, 2008


Obsessive? Check. Compulsive? Check. Disorder? Maybe. I just can't help it. I swear it must have started when I was young. I do remember organizing my room and everything having a place. HOWEVER, I can't seem to keep drawers/cabinets organized....what gives? I call it "surface clean". Works for me, drives Josh nuts. I am very lucky to have a clean husband. His closet trumps ANY organization I have ever seen........Anyway, the point is, I have become a bit OCD about my kids cleanliness.....and I so want to blame it on my mom, but thats just a cop out and instead I should break that generational cycle. We were at my parents house a few weeks back and my dad had some old 8mm flim put on to a DVD of our childhood. The first grainy silent shot was of the day I was born. (I had really thick black hair btw, just like Aubrey did) And then my brother holding me. THEN my mom bathing me in the kitchen sink....and she was scrubbing me like there was no tomorrow! So after Josh saw this, he said "You do the same thing!" He was right.. I catch myself wiping faces before they are finished eating and other things I should just let go. I can't pass this down to my kids! I have learned that I have such rituals with the twins. Nap, play, eat, nap, play, eat, BATH, story, brush teeth, nite nite. The bath part is something I get super anal about. I have learned that we don't need to bathe then EVERY day. They really don't get that dirty with the execption of a food fight or poop blow out. But sometimes, like today, we skip 2 days.....and my OCD kicks into overdrive........I must work on this. My children will be ok, a bit stinky on the privates, but ok..........I can't wait till tomorrow, we are def. taking a bath!

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Twins Rock!

Twins Rock!