About Me

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Wife and mom to boy/girl twins! Photography is my passion!

Friday, January 4, 2008


I got CS3 (Photoshop Creative Suite 3) for Christmas from Josh.....what a great gift. I have always loved photography, but never really put much time or effort into it until I met the great Kathy Carlisle (http://www.heavenseyephotography.com/). She started by just taking pics of me and my kids, but now she is my photog mentor......Anyway, point is, I got my new camera from my pops, and now I have my software! I just need a MAC and my life will be perfect! Kiddin....So I set my camera to RAW and finally took my pics to the next level. It's just going to get better from this point so watch out world, Amy Hall Photography will be a reality someday soon I hope!! Here's a few for fun of my 13 month beauties.....dang I love those lil twinkies!


Heaven's Eye Phtotography said...

I can't wait to say I knew her when! Very cute shots and I can't wait to see you grow more and more each day with your new found addiction..I mean passion:) K

Lisa said...

Dude I just got CS3 too!! You can teach me how to use it!

Twins Rock!

Twins Rock!